Do You Have Demons in the Body / Mind? Did Jesus?

BOND – Rebuilding The Man YouTube Channel

Anyone offended about Jesus having demons in the body / mind is listening to the lying devil telling you that demons in the body is equal to having “SIN” in the body… your own Bible tells you that Jesus was tempted in all points like we are yet without sin. The sin is playing God and is manifested by fear, anger, judgment, etc. Temptation is not a sin and demons in the mind and body is just temptation… they are powerless to DO anything because they have no physical form. They rely on deceiving mankind into doing evil deeds. And without the spirit of God in them like Jesus had, mankind is powerless to resist the devil/ demons… only with the Power of God, thru His Son Jesus Christ in us are we able to resist the temptations of the devil/demons. That’s why God’s Word says that once we are born again of God’s Spirit, we are circumcised of the heart because sin dwells in the heart not the body. Circumcised means a cutting away of the flesh. Jesus heart was never evil like our hearts were because he never judged anyone; he never played god or pretended to be god because he always knew that he was the son of the living God. Once we go and forgive our parents, and apologize for judging them, then God forgives us and we live from within and as we stand quiet before God in silent prayer, we get to know God and then God fights the battle in our body and mind that rages because the demons/devil still thinks that he can win us back. We are like a little kid watching our Father take up for us against a bully… we don’t have to lift a finger to help, we just watch in perfect peace knowing that we are safe in our Father’s protection. The kingdom of heaven is within our Spirit (which is us); we are not the body. The body is our temple (a dwelling place). Your soul / Spirit is only home to God or Satan. When born God is within us but as children, when we are taught to judge by our parents, we learn “right from wrong) and we end up judging our parents and as a result God has to leave because we have decided to be our own god. Once God is gone Satan comes into our hearts and we manifests the fruits of his spirit (fear, anger, more judgement, etc.). We live that way until we go and forgive our parents who we initially judged as wrong. We must see that we are wrong to judge them and confess our sin to those we have wronged and apologize for it. That is forgiveness. And once you forgive, Satan is forever kicked out and once God moves back in after you are “Born Again” Satan will never be able to kick God out. But Satan can still tempt you just like he did before but the difference is instead of you fighting a losing battle, now God is there to fight the devil on your behalf. You start to remember the things that you used to know before you sinned by judging your parents.

Who Is Shaking the Jar?

Did you know that if you put 100 black ants and 100 red ants in a jar, nothing will happen? But if you shake the jar hard, the ants start killing each other. The red ants consider the black ants their enemies, and the black ants consider the red ants their enemies. The true enemy is the one shaking the jar. The same thing happens in human society. So, before we attack each other, we should think about who is shaking the jar!
Credit: Kurt Vonnegut

Who is Shaking the Jar?

This was on Facebook…

Financially Free

Do you know that the Banks are making money at your expense? Velocity Banking will allow you to become Financially Free by using the system to your advantage with one simple technique… putting your money where it serves you instead of the bank.

Amazing Demo of Paying OFF Debt

For more videos like this go to Christie’s YouTube channel.

Yep! It was a SETUP!!

A Criminal Setup!

Very Interesting Video… God will get Justice for the wrongly accused!!

Ever Heard of the J6 Pipe Bombs?

No? I wonder why!?!? Well here’s the low down on that. Very interesting!

Tucker Carlson YouTube Channel

Justice will prevail

Why I Love Donald J. Trump?

I think it is pretty obvious to anyone paying attention to my blog that I love President Donald J. Trump.  How did that come to be? How, as a normal person, do I know enough about him to feel that way?  Before DJT ran for the Presidency in 2016, I knew who he was but did not know much about him as a person. I did admire him as a businessman, because I was a fan of his hit show, 'The Apprentice" and "The Celebrity Apprentice".   I knew that I wanted to work for him. I would watch the Apprentice and see the tasks that were assigned to the contestants to complete and then see them go into the board room and would anticipate the fight to come knowing that the weaker one was about to get fired. Something in me wanted to work for a man who was tough and who expected toughness from those who worked for him. I could see that it wasn’t just a fight for a job but it was a fight for what is right.  I am not an argumentative person unless I have to be to make a point or to stand my ground. When you are being attacked for doing the right thing, THAT is a great time to fight back and I always have.  I have always stood up for myself even to the surprise of some who thought that I was a pushover just because I am a kind person and treat others fairly. 

At first, I did not think much about the 2016 Presidential election because it was so early and I felt that I had plenty of time to see who was going to get weeded out. But as time went on, I noticed that DJT was getting a lot of publicity. I became curious about him and there were some rumors starting up about him being a saboteur. So I began to wonder if he was trying to pull a Ross Perot and divide the vote so Hillary would win. I texted my friend and said as much. I pointed out the picture of the Clintons with the Trumps, looking pretty cozy and said that we might not be able to trust him.
After I sent that text, I felt like I had judged him off of an opinion of another and not my own because I didn't know enough about him to even form an opinion and did not want to do that based on one photograph. I also noticed that the media and Hollywood had turned on him all of a sudden. It struck me as odd when they seemed to like him prior to him running on the Republican ticket. I decided to go back and see what they said about him before he decided to run for public office. When I looked him up on YouTube, I saw that there were several old interviews from years ago, so I watched those. I also Google'd him and found that there were books that he wrote or had a hand in writing, or collaborated with someone to help write. I decided to read his book called, 'The Art of the Deal' because what better way to get to know someone than to read their autobiography? I also bought a few books on CD by him and downloaded a few audible books from him. I could not find an electronic version of the 'Art of the Deal' so I read the paperback version and had to read it again, it was so interesting. That book really gave me an insight into his personality and his thinking. I realized that we have a lot in common in how we see the world and how we believe that we should treat people. While the world was calling him a bully, I could see that he was the anti-bully. He was the example to the one being bullied; how not to be bullied; how to fight back and not be a victim. Reading his book, I realized that I was never bullied in school because I never saw myself as a victim. Any time I was picked on, I stood up for myself and I stood up for the weaker kids.

I looked into Trump's feud with Rosie O'Donnell and wondered why no one was pointing out that she was the one that started this feud with him and would not let it die out. The feminist movement is so disingenuous. Women want to be equal with a man but they are too soft to go toe to toe with a man in an argument. When a man busts a woman's balls like he would another man, she cries that he's mean and he hurt her feelings. Men don't have feelings; men are logical. There is no place in a man's world for feelings. Any woman who attacks a man should be prepared to get what he got in kind. In this day and age, a woman is way too comfortable being abusive to a man and then seems shocked when he returns the favor. That is what I like about Donald Trump, he gives as good as he gets no matter if it is coming from a man or a woman; he's no respector of person, as we all should be. I’m not talking about physical violence or abuse. But I do believe that if a woman hits a man he should hit her back. Any woman with common sense knows that men have way more muscle mass than women and if she’s dumb enough to throw hands on a man she should be prepared when he hits her back. There should be no place in society for violence anyway. No one, and I mean NO ONE, male or female should ever be violent or physically attack another person especially over words. Again, anyone who is afraid or offended by words is a weak and pathetic person.

After my research, I decided that I really liked Donald Trump and if I continued to see him in that way then I would vote for him in 2016. The more I saw from him, the more I liked him. When I like someone, I am a very loyal friend. I have remained loyal to Donald Trump over the last 7 years because he has never done anything to make me question that loyalty. The whole world can turn on him and I won’t lose faith in him because what I see in him is not measured by his actions or the things that he says. I see his heart; his spirit and it is pure. I can’t say that about too many people.

There are a lot of people who seem to be pure on the outside looking in but most people are good at pretending to be something that they are not.

The Praying President!

2024 Gonna Be a Great Year!!

Last year God showed me many things about myself that I didn’t remember at the end of the year like I thought I would… so this year I want to create a blog each time I see something new about myself. This way I can reflect on them at the end of the year.

Tuesday, January 16, 2023 (BG)

Retribution is Coming!

I can clearly see that the wrath to come is going to be unleashed on the evil in this world and not to God’s people. When God said, “Be in the World but not OF the world…” he wasn’t just kidding around. Just like the plagues of Egypt didn’t affect the Children of Israel, and just as Noah and his family were safe in the Ark when all around them outside the Ark, all Hell was breaking loose, God will keep us safe in the wrath to come. I no longer believe in the Rapture and haven’t for a few years now. I can clearly see that there is no need to go anywhere because I am already safe in the arms of Jesus.


Just as there is a Deep State (Political), there is also a Deep Church (Religion)… the propaganda is real! They’ve lied to the Churches about the Truth of the end times and setup a false Hollywood narrative to make Christians believe that Satan has power over them to persecute them because of their faith and convinced them that they would have to martyr themselves in the last days. Jesus Christ is and will always be the only one worthy of such a sacrifice. He said that it was finished. The Deep Church has also frightened Christians into believing that a number is evil. 666 is Satan’s way of controlling God’s people through fear. I believe that the scriptures have been interpreted wrongly on purpose. The Devil has known since the beginning that God has created the Earth for His creation and that we were put here to enjoy the fullness therein but the LIAR has convinced many through the teachings of man (and Hollywood propagandists) that our so called “Home” is in Heaven.

Matthew 6:10

Just as Jesus has the Kingdom of Heaven within him, now that he’s made a way back to the Father, we too have the Kingdom of Heaven within us as well. Once we are born again of God’s Spirit, the Kingdom of Heaven has come… now we live according to God’s Will not our own so called “Free Will” aka EGO! There’s no reason to go to Heaven until the Marriage supper of the Lamb. Until then Heaven is a holding place for those souls whose mortal body has died.

I believe that we are going to defeat the Deep State and the Deep Church and we will have a thousand years of Peace right here on Earth. I believe that the Devil’s number is 33 or 1/3 because that’s how many angels turned away from the Father. I don’t believe that the 666 number is anything to be scared of especially if you are born again. All of the bad things that the propaganda said was going to happen to Christians will come upon the evil doers; those who have willingly given their souls over to Satan.

This Heavenly Sign Started The Great Awakening (1,000 Years of Peace)

I can clearly see that only those seeking more will find more. For those who have already found God and are fully content in their beliefs are not going to understand this new age, the Great Awakening. I have seen people wake up Politically when they see that they have been lied to and brainwashed with propaganda but some of those same people refuse to believe that the Deep Church has also deceived many as well.

The FISH vs Living Water

The Church Age (the FISH) and the Great Awakening is represented by Rivers of Flowing Water… the Living Water (God’s Spirit)!

Be Ye Fishers of Men!

God will pour out His Spirit on All Flesh!

Happy Heavenly Birthday to my Beautiful Mommy, Elizabeth “Dianne” Tadlock

Painted Picture on her gravestone
Dianne at 18 Years of Age
Dianne in her early 20’s …
At 31, not long before she was killed…
Dianne at the Motel that she managed in 1979

Tribute I made a few years ago…

2024 Happy New Year!!

Let the Countdown Begin…

I am looking forward to great things in the coming New Year! Every year has been amazing since my Jubilee year when God woke me up but this year is seven years later so I really believe that this will be the best year ever.

Choose the Narrow Path…

Matthew 7:14

I learned a lot this past year about myself and I look forward to getting to know myself even more this year. The most significant thing I learned was that this journey that I am on is an individual journey and I cannot take anyone with me or walk beside anyone else because the road is so narrow, there’s only room for one. I realized this when I noticed that I constantly had my eyes on someone else and wondered, “How can two walk together, lest they be agreed?” It was at this point that I saw clearly that while I was wishing that I could be in solidarity with someone who believed like I did, for the most part, but we were always in disagreement… I saw that I was wrong to judge them for not seeing things the way I saw them. I realized that God teaches and deals with each of us individually. What reaches me or what I understand or ‘remember’ is my own personal experience or relationship with the Father that will not mean anything to someone else who has their own relationship with God. Everyone is required to seek the Father themselves to Be Still Before the Lord (Psalms 37:7). This realization reminds me of that scripture in Isaiah where God said we would hear his voice (spirit) guiding us as we walk the narrow path. That’s why I am thankful to know the secret to hearing God’s voice… the silent prayer or standing quiet before God as Psalms 4:4 and Psalms 37:7 and Psalms 46:10 instructs us to do. This is an amazing life and I don’t have to lift a finger to live it, I can just Be… I’m grateful.

Isaiah 30:21

Be Still Before the Lord… Be Still and Know God…

Psalms 37:7

Psalms 46:10

SELAH – Stop, Pause, Listen…

Psalms 4:4 KJV; SELAH means to Stop, Pause, Listen

The Bethlehem Star!

And God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.” ~Genesis 1:14

Do you want to know the exact conception date of Jesus? His actual birth date? Yes, we celebrate Christmas as his birthday but we all know December 25th is not the actual date. Check out the video below for an in-depth understanding of when Jesus Christ was actually born and how the Wiseman knew to look for Him and where. This is fascinating!

Melissa RedPill on Rumble

Biblical Astronomy 101 by Melissa RedPill

Another great video from Melissa where she goes into how the stars all have names that mean something and how the Bible points to a connection between the 12 Tribes of Israel and the Mazzaroth (constellations)… That tell the story of Jesus, our Messiah!

RedPill the World, on Rumble.